If this is your first time buying your brushes, this article will be especially helpful for you. We'll help you understand specifically designed for acrylic paint.
Anatomy of a paint brush
Shapes of an acrylic paint brush
Flat brushes have square ends. It is very flexible to hold a lot of paint. Use it flat to create long, sweeping brush strokes and for blending and painting in large areas. Use the tips when making delicate lines and small touches.
Bright brushes are ideal to use when making short and controlled brush strokes. It is a brush used for thick and heavy colors because of its wide brush head and long handle.
Filbert brushes are for making soft and rounded edges. It is also ideal for blending colors.
Fan brushes are for smoothing and blending. If you want to achieve certain special effects and textures on your canvas, the fan brush is ideal.
Detail round brushes are for making details on your artwork. Use it for short, fine strokes you need to make.
Sizes of an acrylic paint brush
Ideally, you should be starting off with mid-sized brushes. These are size 6 and 8 brushes.
You might also notice that there are acrylic paint brushes with short handles and some with long handles. The ones with the long handles are helpful when working with an easel or when you want to paint from a distance. Brushes with longer handles allow you to see your whole artwork at once.
Should you use natural or synthetic brush hairs?
Natural bristles are widely recommended for acrylic paints because it can handle and cope well with the heavy nature of the paint. It maintains its shape even after many uses. However, over time, these brushes wear out and can be damaged through the years. It also does not want to sit in water for too long.
Synthetic bristles mimic the feel of natural bristles, but it's more durable. It copes well with the acrylic resins, it's easier to clean and it does not mind sitting in water! While it does not hold it's shape quite well, beginners prefer brushes with synthetic bristles because it's cheaper and more durable.
Learn more about brushes and how to paint at Art Smart
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