Much of what we’ve done in our summer art workshops this year is still life painting. Still life painting is a major theme and technique in painting at Art Smart as it teaches students to be confident and be the sole conductor of their own art. In this article, we'll share with you some of the key benefits of painting from still life and why you should do it as you practice your command of the paint brush. But first (and as promised in this article's title), check out this gallery of still life paintings excellently made by very own Art Smart artists! It cannot be stressed further how proud we are of them.
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June 22 is Take Your Dog to Work Day! Dogs are absolute cute pals to take to work, aren’t they? Here at Art Smart, we're immensely proud of our students' amazing artworks and interpretation of everyday subjects. These dog paintings are a testament to that! Check out some of the dog paintings our students made!
Here at Art Smart, we love spreading the love for art to everyone. Aside from encouraging kids as young as 4.5 years old and adults to take up art classes with us, we're also very encouraging of families and groups of friends to spend quality time learning the wonderful world of painting. That said, we'd like to share with you some snapshots of families and friends who have spent time with us at Art Smart. We hope these photos will inspire you also to have quality time learning art! Bonding over painting is truly a fun activity!
With the summer workshops almost coming to a close (we're still on our third and last batch by the way), we're sharing with everyone our new art class schedule! This schedule will be effective until March of next year. Art Smart Schedule June 1 to June 31, 2018
500 Shaw Zentrum: MWFS 2pm-6pm , TTH 10am-12noon Marikina near Eastwood City: MWF 10am-12noon , TTH 2pm-6pm and Sat 9am-12noon Art Smart Year-Round Schedule July 2018 to March 15, 2019 500 Shaw Zentrum: Mon-Fri 10am -6pm and Sat 2pm-6pm Marikina near Eastwood City: WF 10am-6pm and Sat 9am-12noon With these art class schedules in place, you may opt to do classes twice or thrice a week (12-1hr / 8-1.5hrs/ 6-2hrs/ 4-3hrs) depending on your convenience. Other days will also be opened in case slots are full so please stay tuned for class schedule updates on the Art Smart Facebook page. Our fee of 8,500 pesos are all inclusive of art materials. For detailed schedules and if you have inquiries on how to enroll, please contact us at these numbers: 0995-2608927 / 02-7886766 / 02-6160305 / 0917-8784766. |
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