We believe that we all have our own style and competencies in the arts. Nevertheless, we'd still like to share with you some fun art exercises you can do to be one step closer to becoming more like da Vinci.
Draw moving objects
“Keep a sharp lookout, for figures in movement, in the streets, in the squares, in the countryside, and note down the main lines quickly: that is to say, putting an O for the head and straight or bent lines for the arms and the same for legs and trunk; then when you get home, look back at your sketches and give them finished form.”
Learn and copy from a teacher
The paintings below entitled "The Baptism of Christ" and "Tobias and the Angel" are works that Verrochio and da Vinci made together.
Draw subjects from your mind
Here's da Vinci on drawing and painting from memory:
Draw and paint in the company of other people
Remember that for you to grow as an artist, you must be comfortable with critiques from your peers and superiors. The quality of our work should weigh more than our egos. Be pragmatic and view all the criticisms you receive as opportunities to improve - just like the great and humble da Vinci.
Draw draperies
Drawing draperies can be challenging, and thus is a good exercise for you as you become better in the arts. Try doing this as an exercise one of these days - place a blanket, a curtain or a table cloth over a chair. Set up your light source and then draw. We found this video, which we hope you'll get to watch:
Draw and paint a subject from different angles
We found this neat video on drawing the human eyes at different angles for a little inspiration:
Become a great artist at Art Smart
12 one-hour sessions
Marikina near Eastwood : MWF *9/10/11
Shaw: MWF 2/3/4/5*PM
Batch 2: Apr24-May24
Batch 3: May 29-June 26
8 sessions of 1.5 hours
Shaw : TTh9-10:30& 10:30-12
Mkna near Eastwood:2-3:30&3:30-5PM
Batch 2: Apr 25-May 18
Batch 3: May 30-June 22
SATURDAYS (once a week schedule)
You may do 1 or 2 hours
Marikina: 9/10/11 am
Shaw: 2/3/4pm
(No class on June 12)
To enroll or for any inquiries you may have, please call us at 0917-8784766 / 02 -6160305 / 0915-5948191 / 0995-260 8927. See you all soon in our studios!